おでかけMAPkumagawajuku town map
道の駅「若狭熊川宿」に隣接するお食事処。鯖寿司や焼鯖寿司、葛うどんや四季彩丼(くずあんかけ丼)など地元の味が味わえるレストランと特産品販売コーナーがあります。This restaurant is adjacent to the Wakasa Kumagawa-juku Roadside Station building. Here you can enjoy the flavors of local dishes, including mackerel sushi, fried mackerel sushi, mackerel ramen, and seasonal specialty bowls. There is also a shop where you can buy regional food and souvenirs.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-111-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-91110770-62-9111 -
京都から出店のスムージースタンドA smoothie stand that originated in Kyoto.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-111-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-91110770-62-9111 -
自家製フランスパンにジューシーな鯖フィレをサンドしたサバサンドが人気。テイクアウト可。One of the most popular items on the menu is the mackerel filet sandwich made with home-baked French bread. The restaurant also offers takeout.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川12−16−212-16-2 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-90480770-62-9048 -
極上の国産うなぎと若狭牛を一度に楽しめるお店です。身はふっくら、皮はパリッと焼き上げ、秘伝のタレにつけた蒲焼きの味は抜群です。若狭牛は、サシが蜜で、身体に良い脂といわれるオレイン酸が多く、口どけの食感が味わえます。旅の思い出に、記念日などのお祝いに、また、ご自身へのご褒美に、是非ご賞味ください。At this restaurant you can enjoy the highest-quality domestic eel and Wakasa beef in a single meal. The tender grilled eel is dipped in an exceptionally delicious, proprietary tare sauce. Wakasa beef has beautiful marbling and a high amount of oleic acid, resulting in a texture that simply melts in your mouth. Whether you want to make your trip even more memorable, celebrate a special occasion, or simply treat yourself, give these exquisite flavors a try!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16−28−116-28-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-18180770-62-1818 -
自家栽培のコシヒカリを使用した米粉パンに地元の食材を使ったメニューを取り揃えています。土日のみ営業/AM11:00~(売切れ次第終了)Rice-flour bread made with home-grown Koshihikari rice*. We also offer a variety of menu items including rice-flour bread with local ingredients. Open only on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 AM〜,(Sales end when the bread is sold out.) *One of the most popular brands of rice that accounts for 1/3 of all rice grown in Japan.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16-1816-18 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-40300770-62-4030 -
めちゃくちゃおいしい!手作りこんにゃくのから揚げ。こんにゃくは期間限定の製造販売(9月末〜6月)The homemade konnyaku karaage (deep-fried konjak) at this store is irresistibly delicious! Available from the end of September through June.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川21−421-4 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02260770-62-0226 -
古民家でくつろぐランチと喫茶。梅ワサそうめん、卵かけごはん、熊川御膳(要予約)、葛ようかん、葛まんじゅう(しそ・抹茶)、葛もち、ドリンク他。A relaxing café in a traditional Japanese house. The menu includes somen noodles with plum and wasabi, tamagokake rice with raw egg, a variety of kudzu desserts, drinks, and more! You can also treat yourself with a luxury full-course meal “Kumagawa Gozen” (reservations required).
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−3−130-3-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 080-6359-0808(熊川宿おもてなしの会)080-6359-0808 (Kumagawa-juku Hospitality Association) -
福井県産そば粉と地元産食材を使った和風ガレットを提供しますWe are serving a Japanese-style galette using Fukui buckwheat flour and local ingredients.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39-5-239-5-2,Kumagawa, Wakasa Town, Mikatakaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-64-17880770-64-1788 -
店内に流れる水の音に癒されませんか?A river runs through this house. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the calming sound of water!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−530-5 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-01800770-62-0180 -
宿場内中心部にある蔵のきまぐれカフェ。身体にやさしいおやつ・ドリンクのほか、雑貨・アクセサリーも販売中。外観からは想像できない広々とした空間では大きな梁と高い天井を臨むことができます。A whimsical café in a converted storehouse located in the central area of Kumagawa-juku. It offers light sweets, drinks, and various accessories and other goods for sale. It may be hard to tell from the outside, but the interior of the café is quite spacious and retains the traditional architectural features of the original building, such as the large wooden supporting beams and tall ceilings.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−5−339-5-3 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
irodori Labo.で日替わり営業。
古き良き " 蔵 " で美味しいコーヒーはいかがですか。
火・水・金曜のみ営業/10:00〜15:00 (L.O.14:30)This café shares the building with irodori Labo and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. How about some good coffee in a refurbished old-fashioned storehouse?住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39-5-339-5-3 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
伝統工芸「若狭塗箸」など地元産のお土産販売と喫茶の店This shop operates as a café and sells souvenirs and local traditional craft items, such as Wakasa lacquered chopsticks.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−1039-10 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-52-1132 携帯:090-4325-7330Phone: 0770-52-1132, Mobile: 090-4325-7330 -
築190年以上の商家を利用した店内はどこか懐かしい落ち着いた雰囲気で心が和みます。看板メニューの鯖寿しは、国産の生サバのみを仕入れ、すべて自家製で、店主こだわりの逸品として好評をいただいています。歴史と伝統ある葛料理は、注文をお受けしてから作り上げ、葛本来の粘りと透明感を十分に堪能していただけます。This traditional machiya house is a former merchant residence that is more than 190 years old. The interior is nostalgic and calming, and the space is filled with historical items and decorations from times past. The signature dish, mackerel sushi, is made in-house using only the freshest domestic mackerel and is a highly acclaimed specialty of the restaurant’s owner. All traditional kudzu dishes and desserts are made to order and have excellent viscosity and transparency, reflecting the quality of kudzu starch and other ingredients.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−11−139-11-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02210770-62-0221 -
東京下町からきたコーヒー豆焙煎機付きのカフェ。瓜割の水を使用したコーヒーあります。A café originating from Tokyo. They roast their own beans and offer coffee made with the famous pure waters of Uriwari Falls.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−6−1Hishiya Building, 30-6-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 080-3578-5661080-3578-5661 -
ひのきや自慢の自家製からみ大根使用のおろしそばがいちおし。The highly recommended signature dish is homemade oroshi-soba, buckwheat noodles topped with grated daikon radish.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−2539-25 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-00870770-62-0087 -
日常から離れて何かを見つける場所。何かを感じる場所。あなたの想いを寄せる場所。A place to get away from everyday life and find something. A place where you can feel something. A place to send your thoughts.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川34−4034-40 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 090-9255-1195090-9255-1195 -
河内川ダムカレーが味わえる湖畔の宿。トリウム温泉、お食事、喫茶、ご宿泊。A lodging facility near the Kouchi Reservoir where you can try Kouchi River Dam curry. Thorium hot springs, dining, café, and accommodations.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町河内1-4-51-4-5 Kouchi, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02560770-62-0256 -
自家栽培のコシヒカリを使用した米粉パンに地元の食材を使ったメニューを取り揃えています。土日のみ営業/AM11:00~(売切れ次第終了)Rice-flour bread made with home-grown Koshihikari rice*. We also offer a variety of menu items including rice-flour bread with local ingredients. Open only on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 AM〜,(Sales end when the bread is sold out.) *One of the most popular brands of rice that accounts for 1/3 of all rice grown in Japan.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16-1816-18 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-40300770-62-4030 -
富山県井波で修行した代表が主宰する彫刻店です。木彫教室・木彫体験もやっています。The owner of this shop studied in the town of Inami in Toyama Prefecture, which has long been famous for intricate wood carving as its main trade. Woodworking classes and hands-on wood carving experiences are available.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16−3616-36 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-68-80070770-68-8007 -
◇ご利用の場合は町並み保全協力金をお願いしています。A parking lot in the Kamincho area. Until the early 1870s, this used to be the location of a sake store, which was later replaced by a sawmill and then a hospital.
Parking capacity: 50 cars. Large vehicles are not allowed.
Please do not park in front of fire hydrants.
For those using the parking lot, please consider a donation to help fund the Townscape Preservation Association.住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川22−3322-33 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
運動を苦手に感じておられる方や、ジムに通ったことがないという初心者の方から上級者の方まで幅広くご対応させていただきますのでお気軽にお越しください。When the body changes, the mind changes. When the mind changes, the life changes. “Kitahara Body Make Gym” is a Fitness Gym with personal support training! We cater to everyone from those who feel uncomfortable with exercise, beginners who have never been to the gym to advanced people, so please feel free to visit us!住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川37-9(KIKUYA 2F)37-9 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 090-3297-6654090-3297-6654 -
◇駐車料金:無料The parking lot is located at the western entrance to Kumagawa-juku. Above the parking lot, the rectangular post with a hipped tile roof and kanji characters for “Kumagawa-juku” on each side is one of the symbols of the historic post town, marking the entrance.
Parking capacity: 16 cars, 2 buses
Parking fee: Free住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町新道54-6-154-6-1 Shindo, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
◇駐車料金:無料Located opposite Nishiguchi Parking Lot
Parking capacity: 36 cars, 3 buses, 2 accessible spaces
Parking fee: Free住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町新道54-154-1 Shindo, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture