若狭熊川宿とはabout kumagawajuku
熊川宿では、地域と若狭町が連携し長年にわたって保存のまちづくりに取り組んできました。文化庁の支援による家屋の修理事業は達成率が高く、家屋の前を流れる「前川」の整備や、裏配線方式による電柱の撤去など修景が進んでいます。地域と行政が一体となって進めてきた「防災まちづくり」や「まちづくりマスタープラン」などの策定は県や国からも高い評価を受けてきました。 Kumagawa-juku is a historic post town situated along the Saba Kaido (“Mackerel Road”), a network of trade routes that connected Wakasa to Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. The town developed in a valley along the Kita River as a relay point where cargo was transported by horse or by boat. The townscape that took shape during the Edo period (1603–1867) remains to this day, and Kumagawa-juku was designated an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings in 1996. In 2015, Wakasa, the Saba Kaido, and Kumagawa-juku were included in the list of Japan Heritage Sites, reflecting their role in the country’s history and culture.
The local community worked with the Wakasa municipal administration for many years to preserve the historic town of Kumagawa-juku. With the support of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, repair work was successfully carried out on the traditional machiya townhouses, and the Maegawa Channel that flows along the front of the residences underwent maintenance. Other landscaping measures were carried out to preserve the traditional look of Kumagawa-juku, including a hidden wiring system, which allowed for the removal of utility poles. The residents and administrative bodies worked together to implement a town development strategy which would also protect against potential natural disasters. These efforts received high praise at both the prefectural and the national level.
熊川宿では、地域と若狭町が連携し長年にわたって保存のまちづくりに取り組んできました。文化庁の支援による家屋の修理事業は達成率が高く、家屋の前を流れる「前川」の整備や、裏配線方式による電柱の撤去など修景が進んでいます。地域と行政が一体となって進めてきた「防災まちづくり」や「まちづくりマスタープラン」などの策定は県や国からも高い評価を受けてきました。 Kumagawa-juku is a historic post town situated along the Saba Kaido (“Mackerel Road”), a network of trade routes that connected Wakasa to Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. The town developed in a valley along the Kita River as a relay point where cargo was transported by horse or by boat. The townscape that took shape during the Edo period (1603–1867) remains to this day, and Kumagawa-juku was designated an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings in 1996. In 2015, Wakasa, the Saba Kaido, and Kumagawa-juku were included in the list of Japan Heritage Sites, reflecting their role in the country’s history and culture.
The local community worked with the Wakasa municipal administration for many years to preserve the historic town of Kumagawa-juku. With the support of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, repair work was successfully carried out on the traditional machiya townhouses, and the Maegawa Channel that flows along the front of the residences underwent maintenance. Other landscaping measures were carried out to preserve the traditional look of Kumagawa-juku, including a hidden wiring system, which allowed for the removal of utility poles. The residents and administrative bodies worked together to implement a town development strategy which would also protect against potential natural disasters. These efforts received high praise at both the prefectural and the national level.

一方近年の暮らし方や価値観の変化からか、数年前より熊川宿でお店をやりたいといった若い世代の流入が進んでいます。 平成30年には大きな古民家がシェアオフィスにリノベーションされたことが契機となり、陶芸工房や古民家宿泊施設、忍者をテーマにした体験館、給食をテーマにしたカフェ、 若狭の物品を扱う古道具店などが相次いで開業しました。また東京からもコーヒー焙煎機を備えたコーヒー専門店が出店してきています。 ここ数年の間に多くの空き家が賃貸等で利活用されており、熊川宿のまちづくりにも大きな変化が生じています。 このような動きは多くのメディアにも取り上げられ、近年は若狭地方(車で1時間圏内の福井県嶺南エリア)だけではなく県外都市部からの来訪者も増加しています。 Regretfully, in recent years the population of Kumagawa-juku has been aging, and the sight of abandoned homes has become increasingly common.
On the other hand, because of changing lifestyles and personal values, the town has seen an influx of younger people who want to open stores and run their businesses here. Starting with the renovation of a large traditional house for use as a shared office space in 2017, many facilities opened one after another, including a ceramic arts workshop, a traditional lodge, a ninja-themed house, a café that serves school lunch-style meals, and a small shop specializing in Wakasa regional goods. A new branch of a café that originated in Tokyo opened in Kumagawa-juku, coming fully equipped with its own coffee bean roasters. In the short few years, many previously abandoned houses have been leased out and revived, bringing about many big changes to the town. These developments caught the attention of the media, and due to the increased awareness, the number of visitors from the Wakasa region and beyond has been on the rise.
一方近年の暮らし方や価値観の変化からか、数年前より熊川宿でお店をやりたいといった若い世代の流入が進んでいます。 平成30年には大きな古民家がシェアオフィスにリノベーションされたことが契機となり、陶芸工房や古民家宿泊施設、忍者をテーマにした体験館、給食をテーマにしたカフェ、 若狭の物品を扱う古道具店などが相次いで開業しました。また東京からもコーヒー焙煎機を備えたコーヒー専門店が出店してきています。 ここ数年の間に多くの空き家が賃貸等で利活用されており、熊川宿のまちづくりにも大きな変化が生じています。 このような動きは多くのメディアにも取り上げられ、近年は若狭地方(車で1時間圏内の福井県嶺南エリア)だけではなく県外都市部からの来訪者も増加しています。 Regretfully, in recent years the population of Kumagawa-juku has been aging, and the sight of abandoned homes has become increasingly common.
On the other hand, because of changing lifestyles and personal values, the town has seen an influx of younger people who want to open stores and run their businesses here. Starting with the renovation of a large traditional house for use as a shared office space in 2017, many facilities opened one after another, including a ceramic arts workshop, a traditional lodge, a ninja-themed house, a café that serves school lunch-style meals, and a small shop specializing in Wakasa regional goods. A new branch of a café that originated in Tokyo opened in Kumagawa-juku, coming fully equipped with its own coffee bean roasters. In the short few years, many previously abandoned houses have been leased out and revived, bringing about many big changes to the town. These developments caught the attention of the media, and due to the increased awareness, the number of visitors from the Wakasa region and beyond has been on the rise.

熊川宿は文化と自然の両方に恵まれた山あいの集落であり、今でも多くの方々が訪れてくれています。ぜひ一度熊川宿にお越しください。熊川宿はいつでもみなさまのお越しをお待ちしています。 Through efforts such as these, the Wakasa town administration has been working with the local residents to fulfill their motto, “Recovering the scenery of life.” Even though the achievements are already substantial, the community members are not stopping at simply preserving the townscape, and plans for the active development of Kumagawa-juku are moving full-steam ahead. This includes a project called the Kumagawa-juku Life and Business Guide, started in 2021, which aims at helping those beginning new lives in the town.
Another project is the creation of the Kumagawa Trail, which will run from Kumagawa-juku to the former site of Kumagawa Castle and then connect to the Takashima Trail. The development of the area around the Kouchi Dam is progressing as well, with plans to create a campground and a park that will help enrich the lives and improve health of both the residents and visitors alike. We believe that these efforts will make Kumagawa-juku better not only as a historical town and a tourist location, but also as a place to call home.
From the time when Kumagawa-juku became a post town, it was a lively, bustling place with countless travelers passing through and merchants competing for trade. Even now, visitors to Kumagawa-juku are warmly welcomed by the town residents, and the community is happy to accept newcomers planning to start a new life here.
Kumagawa-juku is a place that has been blessed with abundant natural resources and favorable conditions for extensive cultural exchange, and many people continue to visit and enjoy the traditional town. We invite you to come to our scenic area and experience everything it has to offer!
熊川宿は文化と自然の両方に恵まれた山あいの集落であり、今でも多くの方々が訪れてくれています。ぜひ一度熊川宿にお越しください。熊川宿はいつでもみなさまのお越しをお待ちしています。 Through efforts such as these, the Wakasa town administration has been working with the local residents to fulfill their motto, “Recovering the scenery of life.” Even though the achievements are already substantial, the community members are not stopping at simply preserving the townscape, and plans for the active development of Kumagawa-juku are moving full-steam ahead. This includes a project called the Kumagawa-juku Life and Business Guide, started in 2021, which aims at helping those beginning new lives in the town.
Another project is the creation of the Kumagawa Trail, which will run from Kumagawa-juku to the former site of Kumagawa Castle and then connect to the Takashima Trail. The development of the area around the Kouchi Dam is progressing as well, with plans to create a campground and a park that will help enrich the lives and improve health of both the residents and visitors alike. We believe that these efforts will make Kumagawa-juku better not only as a historical town and a tourist location, but also as a place to call home.
From the time when Kumagawa-juku became a post town, it was a lively, bustling place with countless travelers passing through and merchants competing for trade. Even now, visitors to Kumagawa-juku are warmly welcomed by the town residents, and the community is happy to accept newcomers planning to start a new life here.
Kumagawa-juku is a place that has been blessed with abundant natural resources and favorable conditions for extensive cultural exchange, and many people continue to visit and enjoy the traditional town. We invite you to come to our scenic area and experience everything it has to offer!