おでかけMAPkumagawajuku town map
◇設備:EV急速充電器・環境モニタリングポストThe roadside station was designed and constructed to fit the traditional townscape aesthetics of Kumagawa-juku. It was opened in 1999 and renovated in 2016. Many people use the station as a relay point along the historical Saba Kaido routes or as an entryway when traveling to Wakasa from Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe. Parking capacity: 74 cars, 14 large vehicles, 4 accessible spaces Amenities: Electric vehicle rapid charging station, environment monitoring post住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-111-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-91110770-62-9111 -
道の駅「若狭熊川宿」に隣接する白壁の土蔵造りの資料展示館。マンガで知る「鯖街道ミュージアム」として、京都精華大学のマンガ学部とコラボレーション。大人から子どもまで、外国人の方にも鯖街道の歴史を分かりやすく紹介しています。鯖街道の紹介ビデオを備えたジオラマ模型もあります。Adjacent to the Wakasa Kumagawa-juku Roadside Station is the Saba Kaido Museum, located in a traditional storehouse-style building with white-plastered walls. The museum collaborated with Kyoto Seika University’s manga department to create large information posters and other artwork introducing the history of the Saba Kaido trading routes. Exhibits include a diorama and video providing more information about the network of roads that connected Wakasa to the old capital. This is a great way to learn about the Saba Kaido for people of all ages, even for those who do not speak Japanese.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-1Address: 11-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-91110770-62-9111 -
道の駅「若狭熊川宿」に隣接するお食事処。鯖寿司や焼鯖寿司、葛うどんや四季彩丼(くずあんかけ丼)など地元の味が味わえるレストランと特産品販売コーナーがあります。This restaurant is adjacent to the Wakasa Kumagawa-juku Roadside Station building. Here you can enjoy the flavors of local dishes, including mackerel sushi, fried mackerel sushi, mackerel ramen, and seasonal specialty bowls. There is also a shop where you can buy regional food and souvenirs.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-111-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-91110770-62-9111 -
熊川宿~熊川城跡~河内川ダム~若狭駒ケ岳へと繋がる熊川トレイルや若狭アドベンチャーツーリズムのゲートウェイ広場として整備されました。The parking lot and plaza were built to serve as a starting point on the Kumagawa Trail, which passes from Kumagawa-juku to the former site of Kumagawa Castle, the Kouchi River Dam, and Mt. Wakasa Komagatake.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-111-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
京都から出店のスムージースタンドA smoothie stand that originated in Kyoto.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-111-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-91110770-62-9111 -
◇駐車料金:無料This parking lot was constructed together with the Kumagawa Trail Gateway.
Parking capacity: 46 cars, 4 large vehicles, 10 bikes, 2 accessible spaces
Parking fee: Free住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川11-1-111-1-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
自家製フランスパンにジューシーな鯖フィレをサンドしたサバサンドが人気。テイクアウト可。One of the most popular items on the menu is the mackerel filet sandwich made with home-baked French bread. The restaurant also offers takeout.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川12−16−212-16-2 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-90480770-62-9048 -
極上の国産うなぎと若狭牛を一度に楽しめるお店です。身はふっくら、皮はパリッと焼き上げ、秘伝のタレにつけた蒲焼きの味は抜群です。若狭牛は、サシが蜜で、身体に良い脂といわれるオレイン酸が多く、口どけの食感が味わえます。旅の思い出に、記念日などのお祝いに、また、ご自身へのご褒美に、是非ご賞味ください。At this restaurant you can enjoy the highest-quality domestic eel and Wakasa beef in a single meal. The tender grilled eel is dipped in an exceptionally delicious, proprietary tare sauce. Wakasa beef has beautiful marbling and a high amount of oleic acid, resulting in a texture that simply melts in your mouth. Whether you want to make your trip even more memorable, celebrate a special occasion, or simply treat yourself, give these exquisite flavors a try!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16−28−116-28-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-18180770-62-1818 -
平成14年に歴史的考証を行いながら復原され、一般公開されている文化展示施設で、全国唯一、伝建地区内に元位置のまま現存する番所建物です。刺又(さすまた)、突棒(つくぼう)、袖がらみの三つ道具が展示され、お役人の人形は偶然にも熊川住民の誰かに似ているとか。The guardhouse was built at the entrance to Kumagawa-juku to monitor the flow of people and goods in and out of the post town. After a historical investigation, it was restored to its original appearance and opened to the public in 2011. Two figures inside represent officials who checked travel permits and collected taxes on transported goods. The display includes a set of three weapons for making arrests: a sasumata (a pole with a U-shaped forked end to pin suspects in place), a tsukubo (a pole with a T-shaped end used to trip, push, or pull suspects), and a sodegarami (a pole with iron spikes to snag clothing).
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川18−218-2 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-0330(宿場館)0770-62-0330 (Kumagawa-juku Museum (Shukubakan)) -
上ノ町の山側にあり、通称「権現さん」と呼ばれる水雨火防の神様を祀る神社。昔、上ノ町では、道の表面に白い石が出ると村に火災や水害が起きたことがありました。そこで村人が相談をしてお社を建てて、この白い石をお祀りすることになったのが、この神社のいわれであるとされています。This shrine, located close to the mountain slope in Kamincho, is dedicated to a deity protecting from floods and fire. Residents also refer to it as “Gongen-san”. It is said that a long time ago, when white stones appeared on the streets in Kamincho, the village was struck by floods and fires. The people then decided to enshrine the white stones, which is how Gongen Jinja Shrine came to be.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
自家栽培のコシヒカリを使用した米粉パンに地元の食材を使ったメニューを取り揃えています。土日のみ営業/AM11:00~(売切れ次第終了)Rice-flour bread made with home-grown Koshihikari rice*. We also offer a variety of menu items including rice-flour bread with local ingredients. Open only on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 AM〜,(Sales end when the bread is sold out.) *One of the most popular brands of rice that accounts for 1/3 of all rice grown in Japan.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16-1816-18 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-40300770-62-4030 -
地元熊川で丹精こめて栽培しています。原木椎茸の味と香りをご賞味ください。Enjoy the flavor and fragrance of log-grown shiitake mushrooms, cultivated in Kumagawa with the utmost care!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川19−319-3 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-08780770-62-0878 -
いつでもできる手裏剣投げ。要予約・不定期開催の忍者講習会Shuriken throwing is available anytime! Reservations are required for ninja classes.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16−3616-36 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-68-8007 (新野彫刻店)0770-68-8007 (Nino Sculpture Shop) -
富山県井波で修行した代表が主宰する彫刻店です。木彫教室・木彫体験もやっています。The owner of this shop studied in the town of Inami in Toyama Prefecture, which has long been famous for intricate wood carving as its main trade. Woodworking classes and hands-on wood carving experiences are available.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川16−3616-36 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-68-80070770-68-8007 -
この大きな岩ではよく子どもたちが遊びますが、けがをしたことがないそうです。よって「子守岩(こもりいわ)」とも呼ばれることがあります。また、権現さんと関係があるという話もあります。ともあれこの岩は街道脇にあって、長い間人々の往来を見守ってきたのです。Children often climb on this rock, but apparently, no child has ever been injured while playing here, which is why it is also known as komoriiwa (the child-protecting rock). In addition, the rock is said to have some relation to the nearby Gongen Jinja Shrine and its legend. In any case, this large rock on the roadside has been watching over the countless people passing by since long ago.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川20−32付近Near 20-32 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
厳選したオシャレなアンティークショップです。お店に来て楽しんでください。This shop offers carefully curated, classy antiques. Everyone is welcome to browse and purchase something nice as a memento!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川20−3220-32 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-08300770-62-0830 -
梟(フクロウ)やカエルのかわいい小物がいっぱいThis cozy place is full of cute handmade goods and trinkets, especially owls and frogs.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川20−2920-29 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-16720770-62-1672 -
アンティークショップ・古道具・木のもの・酒器・花器Antiques / Secondhand goods / Wooden products / Sake cups / Flower vases
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川20−1120-11 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
若狭の自然を感じられる陶器を、素敵な古民家で。Experience the nature of Wakasa through pottery and a beautiful traditional Japanese house.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川21−821-8 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-50-79690770-50-7969 -
世界に1つのオリジナル手づくり陶器を作ってみませんか?!Come make your own pottery here – it will be one of a kind!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川20−720-7 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-10510770-62-1051 -
世間話をしながらお買い物。気候がいい時期は猫がお迎えいたします。Browse and buy something nice while having a chat. During the warmer seasons, when the weather is nice, the house cats also welcome the visitors.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川20-420-4 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
◇ご利用の場合は町並み保全協力金をお願いしています。A parking lot in the Kamincho area. Until the early 1870s, this used to be the location of a sake store, which was later replaced by a sawmill and then a hospital.
Parking capacity: 50 cars. Large vehicles are not allowed.
Please do not park in front of fire hydrants.
For those using the parking lot, please consider a donation to help fund the Townscape Preservation Association.住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川22−3322-33 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
めちゃくちゃおいしい!手作りこんにゃくのから揚げ。こんにゃくは期間限定の製造販売(9月末〜6月)The homemade konnyaku karaage (deep-fried konjak) at this store is irresistibly delicious! Available from the end of September through June.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川21−421-4 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02260770-62-0226 -
The shop is only open during special events, but the association accepts orders year-round.住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川21−321-3 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
昔からたくさんの物資や人の往来を支えてきた中ノ町と上ノ町を結ぶ重要な橋。重伝建選定後の平成11年に木製の欄干の橋に架け替えられました。夜は欄干の下から足元を照らす照明が灯ります。Since long ago, this bridge has been an important structure providing passage between Kamincho and Nakancho areas for people and transported goods. In 1999, after Kumagawa-juku was designated an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings, the handrails on the bridge were replaced with wooden railings for a more atmospheric look. At night, the bridge is illuminated by lights installed beneath the handrails.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−1付近Near 39-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
割安な料金で待たずにできます。Get a haircut at a reasonable price and without a wait!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−139-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-04250770-62-0425 -
熊川村の初代村長逸見勘兵衛の子息で伊藤忠商事二代目社長となった伊藤竹之助翁の生家で、熊川を代表する町家のひとつ。主屋、土蔵、庭が平成7年1月に町指定文化財となり、その後3か年をかけて大規模な修理が行われました。喫茶営業中は、有料で内部見学ができます。This property once belonged to Henmi Kanbei (1842–1909), the first mayor of Kumagawa. In addition to the main house, originally built in 1858, it contained a sake brewery, a garden, and a storehouse in the rear. The residence was designated a Tangible Cultural Property by Wakasa administration as a characteristic example of a post-town machiya townhouse. After restoration, it became a multipurpose facility with a café and lodgings, modeling how traditional buildings of Kumagawa-juku can be preserved and upgraded for future generations. The interior is open for viewing during café business hours.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−3−130-3-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 090-8807-9364:(一社)熊川プロジェクト 事務局長 阪野真人090-8807-9364 -
古民家でくつろぐランチと喫茶。梅ワサそうめん、卵かけごはん、熊川御膳(要予約)、葛ようかん、葛まんじゅう(しそ・抹茶)、葛もち、ドリンク他。A relaxing café in a traditional Japanese house. The menu includes somen noodles with plum and wasabi, tamagokake rice with raw egg, a variety of kudzu desserts, drinks, and more! You can also treat yourself with a luxury full-course meal “Kumagawa Gozen” (reservations required).
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−3−130-3-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 080-6359-0808(熊川宿おもてなしの会)080-6359-0808 (Kumagawa-juku Hospitality Association) -
◇1泊2食付・1名様18,500円/人・2名様以上15,000円/人This traditional machiya townhouse lodging is managed by the Kumagawa-juku Hospitality Association.住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−3−130-3-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 080-6359-0808(一社)熊川プロジェクト080-6359-0808 (Kumagawa-juku Hospitality Association) -
素泊まりのみ・1~3名様7,000円/人(3人目の方は簡易ベッドになります)This traditional storehouse, which once held a large collection of books, was renovated and upgraded to become a lodging facility.住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−3−130-3-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 080-6359-0808(一社)熊川プロジェクト080-6359-0808 (Kumagawa-juku Hospitality Association) -
若狭地方唯一の地酒製造・販売の店舗です。This store specializes in production and sales of Wakasa’s special regional sake brews.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−4−130-4-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02170770-62-0217 -
福井県産そば粉と地元産食材を使った和風ガレットを提供しますWe are serving a Japanese-style galette using Fukui buckwheat flour and local ingredients.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39-5-239-5-2,Kumagawa, Wakasa Town, Mikatakaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-64-17880770-64-1788 -
かつて銀行や酒蔵として利用されていた古民家を、特定非営利活動法人 若狭美&Bネットが借り受け、美術館に改修・開館しました。館内は、障がい者アート、子ども美術、現代美術の作品を展示し、美術の視点から熊川宿との共生が図られています。A traditional house that used to be a bank and then a sake brewery has been renovated and opened as an art museum by the Wakasabi and B Net nonprofit organization. The museum displays artwork created by children and people with disabilities, as well as contemporary art, aiming to strengthen the Kumagawa-juku community and improve integration through art.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39-5-139-5-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-64-1788(若狭ものづくり美学舎)0770-64-1788 (Wakasa Monozukuri Bigakusha Educational Facility) -
時間 9:00~17:00(12~2月は16:00)、休館 月曜日(休日の場合は開館)This Western-style building was constructed in 1940 as the Kumagawa Village Office by Ito Takenosuke, who was born in Kumagawa-juku and became the second president of the Itochu Corporation, one of Japan’s largest trading companies. It later housed an agricultural cooperative, but in 1997 became a museum that preserves and displays various documents and objects related to the history of Kumagawa-juku and the Saba Kaido network of trade routes.住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−4−230-4-2 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-0330(宿場館)、0770-45-9111(若狭町観光商工課)0770-62-0330 (Kumagawa-juku Museum (Shukubakan)), 0770-45-9111 (Wakasa Tourism, Commerce, and Industry Department) -
要予約で寒ざらし体験可能。This small plant produces and sells Kumagawa kudzu starch, which has long been renowned for its excellent quality. The Confucian scholar Rai San’yo (1780–1832) highly praised it in one of his letters. Visitors can participate in the kanzarashi stage of extracting starch from kudzu roots (reservations required).住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−630-6 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-0135(熊川公民館内熊川葛振興会)0770-62-0135 (Kumagawa Community Center, Kumagawa Kudzu Promotion Society) -
店内に流れる水の音に癒されませんか?A river runs through this house. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the calming sound of water!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−530-5 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-01800770-62-0180 -
宿場内中心部にある蔵のきまぐれカフェ。身体にやさしいおやつ・ドリンクのほか、雑貨・アクセサリーも販売中。外観からは想像できない広々とした空間では大きな梁と高い天井を臨むことができます。A whimsical café in a converted storehouse located in the central area of Kumagawa-juku. It offers light sweets, drinks, and various accessories and other goods for sale. It may be hard to tell from the outside, but the interior of the café is quite spacious and retains the traditional architectural features of the original building, such as the large wooden supporting beams and tall ceilings.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−5−339-5-3 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
irodori Labo.で日替わり営業。
古き良き " 蔵 " で美味しいコーヒーはいかがですか。
火・水・金曜のみ営業/10:00〜15:00 (L.O.14:30)This café shares the building with irodori Labo and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. How about some good coffee in a refurbished old-fashioned storehouse?住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39-5-339-5-3 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
この路地の奥に、町奉行手配下の足軽長屋があったことにこの名の由来があります。資料によると、配下には16名の足軽がいたとあります。This narrow alleyway once led to a single-story building called a nagaya (“longhouse”), which served as military barracks. It housed up to 16 ashigaru, low-ranking foot soldiers who reported to the town magistrate. The path to the barracks came to be known as the Nagayamichi, or “road to the nagaya”. The building itself no longer exists, but the alleyway retains its historic name.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39-5-3付近Near 39-5-3 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
小浜藩主京極高次の時代、この地に熊川陣屋が設けられ、酒井忠勝の時代となって、熊川町奉行所となりました。その奉行所も明治維新で廃止され、その後、小学校と保育所になり、特別養護老人ホームの時代を経て現在に至ります。This site was once occupied by an administrative compound where civil affairs related to governing the Kumagawa area and the Obama domain were handled. The first administrative buildings were constructed during the rule of Kyogoku Takatsugu (1563–1609), the first lord of the Obama domain, and under Sakai Tadakatsu (1587–1662) it became the magistrate’s office. The buildings were demolished in 1871, when the domain system was abolished by the Meiji government. At present, the site contains a traditional processing plant making starch from kudzu (Japanese arrowroot) and a small water-filled habitat for the rare Genji fireflies.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−630-6 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
熊川陣屋跡地奥にあり、水車を備えた源氏蛍育生のビオトープとなっていて、シーズンには幻想的な蛍の乱舞が観られます。観賞時期は6月中旬〜下旬。In the back of the former site of Kumagawa-juku magistrate’s office is a habitat for the rare Genji fireflies, equipped with a waterwheel. In the summer, the fireflies can be seen dancing beautifully in the night. The firefly-viewing season is from around mid-June until the end of the month.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−630-6 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
熊川陣屋跡地奥のビオトープにかかる木橋を渡ると門扉があり、熊川城跡への入口となっています。ここから張出郭展望デッキを経て、白石神社や中段郭、主郭へ行けます。Across a wooden bridge in the back of the former site of the Kumagawa-juku magistrate’s office, there is a gate that serves as the entrance to the site of Kumagawa Castle. The mountain trail passes Shiraishi Jinja Shrine and several viewing points before reaching the site where the main keep used to stand.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−630-6 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
この辺りからの眺めが、熊川の町並みを代表する風景となっています。特徴は、平入(ひらいり)や妻入(つまいり)、土蔵など多様な形式の建物が街道に面して建ち並びながらも、連続性をもった家並みを形成しています。Take in a great view of the unique townscape of Kumagawa-juku: the traditional machiya townhouses with white and red walls and slatted windows, thick-walled storehouses, and the Maegawa channel running along the storefronts. The architecture of the buildings may differ slightly from one to the next, but the way they line the main street creates a sense of continuity in the townscape.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
街道沿いを流れる用水路が、水量が豊富で流れの速い「前川」です。水の郷(さと)百選と平成の名水百選に選定されています。上ノ町を流れる前川は滋賀県の天増川(あますがわ)から、中ノ町・下ノ町を流れる前川は河内川から取水しています。熊川宿に欠かせない歴史的環境資源となっています。The Maegawa channel runs along the main street and through the entire town of Kumagawa-juku. The section flowing through the Kamincho area intakes water from the Amasu River in Shiga Prefecture, while the section that runs through the Nakancho and Shimoncho areas is fed by the Kouchi River. The picturesque channel served as an important water source in the past and remains an integral part of the traditional townscape of Kumagawa-juku.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
薪ストーブと前庭が自慢の土蔵を改修した一棟貸し宿泊施設です。A traditional storehouse renovated for use as a lodging facility. Yamane has a wood burning stove and a beautiful garden in the front. Available for whole house rental only.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−6−139-6-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-17770770-62-1777 -
伝統工芸「若狭塗箸」など地元産のお土産販売と喫茶の店This shop operates as a café and sells souvenirs and local traditional craft items, such as Wakasa lacquered chopsticks.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−1039-10 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-52-1132 携帯:090-4325-7330Phone: 0770-52-1132, Mobile: 090-4325-7330 -
築190年以上の商家を利用した店内はどこか懐かしい落ち着いた雰囲気で心が和みます。看板メニューの鯖寿しは、国産の生サバのみを仕入れ、すべて自家製で、店主こだわりの逸品として好評をいただいています。歴史と伝統ある葛料理は、注文をお受けしてから作り上げ、葛本来の粘りと透明感を十分に堪能していただけます。This traditional machiya house is a former merchant residence that is more than 190 years old. The interior is nostalgic and calming, and the space is filled with historical items and decorations from times past. The signature dish, mackerel sushi, is made in-house using only the freshest domestic mackerel and is a highly acclaimed specialty of the restaurant’s owner. All traditional kudzu dishes and desserts are made to order and have excellent viscosity and transparency, reflecting the quality of kudzu starch and other ingredients.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−11−139-11-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02210770-62-0221 -
東京下町からきたコーヒー豆焙煎機付きのカフェ。瓜割の水を使用したコーヒーあります。A café originating from Tokyo. They roast their own beans and offer coffee made with the famous pure waters of Uriwari Falls.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−6−1Hishiya Building, 30-6-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 080-3578-5661080-3578-5661 -
前川に面する大きな店構えから大きな経済力を持った問屋の風格を感じることができる大型の民家です。古民家の佇まいをそのままにリノベーションされ、複数の事業者などが共同で間借りするシェアオフィスとして生まれ変わりました。八百熊川の受付フロントでもあります。This traditional machiya townhouse facing the Maegawa channel used to be a prosperous shipping and wholesale business, which is reflected in its size and imposing appearance. The two-story structure was renovated while preserving the original aesthetics and became a shared office that is renting out space to several businesses. It also serves as the reception for the Yao-Kumagawa traditional lodging facilities.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−6-130-6-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-17770770-62-1777 -
若狭町にある自然豊かな美しい渓谷で天然のシャワーを受けながら滝を上り下り。たまには本気で遊んでみませんか?春から秋にかけて(4月1日~11月30日まで)開催します。それぞれの季節を堪能しながら思いっきり楽しみましょう!!Why not try something different for a change? Take an all-natural shower while climbing a waterfall in the scenic valleys of Wakasa! Available from April 1st to November 30th. Enjoy each season to the fullest!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡 若狭町熊川30−6−1(PLUS WILD)PLUS WILD, 30-6-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 090-9111-7887(PLUS WILD)090-9111-7887(PLUS WILD) -
若狭熊川宿をベースに三十三間山、駒ヶ岳をハイキング。ブナの森、琵琶湖、若狭湾の景色をお楽しみ頂けます。Take the hiking trail from Kumagawa-juku to Mt. Sanjusangen and Mt. Wakasa Komagatake. Enjoy the captivating scenery of beech forests and Wakasa Bay!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡 若狭町熊川30−6−1(PLUS WILD)PLUS WILD, 30-6-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 090-9111-7887(PLUS WILD)090-9111-7887(PLUS WILD) -
鯖の専門店としての炭火焼鯖、焼鯖すし、へしこ等を自社製造販売A mackerel specialty shop offering the finest charcoal-grilled mackerel, fried mackerel sushi, heshiko (fermented mackerel), and more.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−2039-20 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-47-53580770-47-5358 -
古くは真言宗の寺でしたが、得法寺と同じく蓮如上人の巡錫の際、浄土真宗に改宗したと伝えられています。境内には推定樹齢約300年の銀杏の巨木があります。This temple used to belong to the Shingon school of Buddhism, but it is said that after a visit from Rennyo (1415–1499), the leader of the Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land) school, Kakujoji was converted to Jodo Shinshu, similarly to Tokuhoji Temple. There is a large ginkgo tree on the grounds that is estimated to be about 300 years old.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−1130-11 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
ひのきや自慢の自家製からみ大根使用のおろしそばがいちおし。The highly recommended signature dish is homemade oroshi-soba, buckwheat noodles topped with grated daikon radish.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川39−2539-25 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-00870770-62-0087 -
熊川区民の集会所で行事や会議が行われるところです。災害時の避難所、研修等の会議室として利用されています。街道沿いに無料休憩所を備え、トイレは外からも利用できます。隣接する広場は、時としてイベント会場になります。Kumagawa residents use this facility as an assembly hall to hold meetings and events. The rooms are often used for training workshops and classes. The front part is a free rest area; the restroom can be used without entering the building. The space adjacent to the facility is sometimes used for events. During emergencies, the center serves as an evacuation shelter.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−1330-13 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
毎年5月3日に白石神社の祭礼が行われ、子どもたちが鉦を鳴らして祭り囃子が奉納されます。また、子ども囃子を載せた山車が熊川区内を巡行します。This shrine is dedicated to guardian deities of Kumagawa: Hikohohodemi no Mikoto (a sea deity), Shirahige Myojin (a deity of guidance), various mountain deities, and the spirit of Sakai Tadakatsu (1587–1662), one of the lords of the Obama domain.住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−9−130-9-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
熊川陣屋跡奥と白石神社境内の能楽堂裏手から熊川城跡へ続く山道があります。山頂は海抜185m。若狭熊川城主沼田氏の山城跡で、令和元年から2年に山道の復元整備が行われました。主郭まで片道15分程度で登れます。途中3ヶ所のデッキが整備されました。The short mountain trail leading to the site of Kumagawa Castle can be reached from behind the Noh theater on the grounds of Shiraishi Jinja Shrine or from the former site of Kumagawa-juku magistrate’s office. The castle is said to have been built sometime in the sixteenth century, and its rulers were the Numata family. The hiking trail was renovated during 2019 and 2020 and has three viewing points on the way up to the former site of the main keep. The mountain’s height is 185 meters above sea level, and the route takes about 15 minutes one way.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−9−130-9-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
浄土真宗本願寺派の寺で熊川城主沼田氏の菩提寺とされ、境内には蓮如上人の銅像はじめ、沼田氏の供養等、家康腰掛けの松があります。Tokuhoji is a memorial temple of the Numata family, the lords of Kumagawa Castle, and originally belonged to the Tendai school of Buddhism. Rennyo (1415–1499), the leader of the Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land) school, spent some time in Tokuhoji in 1475, and the temple was later converted to Jodo Shinshu and now belongs to its Hongwanji branch. On the grounds are a bronze statue of Rennyo, the Numata family stone pagoda, and the site of a pine tree where Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543–1616), the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, is said to have rested.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川33−2633-26 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-03190770-62-0319 -
かつて北川を往来した舟運の米がこの路地を通り、松木神社境内にあった蔵屋敷に至ったことからこの名がついたそうです。紫陽花(あじさい)や秋桜(コスモス)、南天など季節の草花が、板塀や石垣、水路と調和して情緒ある路地になっています。This road was used to carry shipments of rice unloaded from boats on the bank of the Kita River to Obama domain’s storehouses that used to stand on the grounds of what is now Matsunoki Jinja Shrine. Because of this, the path came to be known as Okuramichi, or the “storehouse road”. The alleyway is quite atmospheric with the mossy stone wall, wooden fences, a small water channel, and various seasonal plants, such as hydrangeas, cosmos, and nandina (heavenly bamboo).
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川38-30付近Near 38-30 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
中ノ町には、高源のような問屋や庄屋規模の町家が多くありました。正面二階の漆喰壁(しっくいかべ)などにも伝統的な手法がそのまま残っていて、庶民の生活の中から生まれた一つの文化遺産です。(内部は非公開)There used to be many large machiya townhouses like Takagen in the Nakancho area, which served as residences for wealthy business owners or housed prosperous wholesale businesses. The building preserves such traditional architectural features as the white-plastered walls and slatted windows of the second floor. It is an example of a cultural heritage site reflecting the lifestyle and activities of the commoner class. Please note that the interior is not open to the public.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川38−3038-30 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
若狭の義民松木庄左衛門(まつのきしょうざえもん)が祀られている神社で、熊川宿の中では桜と紅葉の名所でもあります。松木庄左衛門は、苦しみにあえぐ若狭の農民を救うため、一命を投げうって大豆年貢の引き下げを実現しました。時に庄左衛門は28歳の若さでした。This shrine is dedicated to Matsunoki Shozaemon (1625–1652), a village leader who sacrificed his life for the farmers suffering from heavy taxation. He advocated for the revision of tax rates, breaking the law that forbade lower-class citizens from directly petitioning the government, and was executed at a young age of 28. Matsunoki became a local hero for his sacrifice, and taxes were eventually lowered. The shrine grounds are a popular spot for viewing cherry blossoms and autumn foliage.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川33−23−133-23-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
旅の記念に・・・ご当地フォルムカード、風景入通信日付印がございます。Here you can buy postcards and special date stamps with local scenery to commemorate your trip.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川33−1733-17 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02420770-62-0242 -
屋号を倉見屋(くらみや)といい、主屋、土蔵など問屋の形式を残している熊川で最も古い町家です。表には2か所、馬をつなぐための「駒つなぎ」が付いています。店構えの重厚さから当時の問屋の栄えた様子がうかがえます。平成26年、国指定重要文化財となりました。(内部は非公開)The Ogino family operated a business called Kuramiya at this location for generations. The main house is the oldest remaining traditional machiya townhouse in Kumagawa-juku. The property includes the main building that was used both as a residence and for commercial purposes, an adjacent baggage storehouse, and other structures. Architectural features such as the short wing walls under the eaves and the white plaster reflect the prosperity of the family’s business. The two koma-tsunagi metal rings attached to the front of the house were used to tie horses. The residence was nationally designated an Important Cultural Property in 2014. Please note that the interior is not open to the public.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川38-1738-17 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
昭和58年に福井宇洋氏の設計により町並み風に修景された元熊川駐在所です。平成27年に画廊として内部が改修され活用されていましたが、現在は木彫り教室やギャラリーとして活用されています。The former Kumagawa Police Station building was renovated to complement the traditional townscape of Kumagawa-juku in 1983. The plan was developed by the architect Fukui Uyo, a professor at the University of Fukui and member of the Architectural Institute of Japan. In 2015, the interior was remodeled to serve as an art gallery. At present, the facility is used both as a gallery and a space to hold woodworking classes.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川38−438-4 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
「ます形」の矩折れになった所で、熊川では「まがり」と呼びます。昔、敵の突進を防ぐために作られたであろう曲がり角で、藩の規則や命令などを掲示する高札場(こうさつば)にもなったようです。The L-shaped bend in the road between the Shimoncho and Nakancho areas of Kumagawa-juku is referred to as the Magari (“the Bend”) by the residents. It is considered a remnant of military defenses from the time when a mountain castle overlooked the village. Similar constructs called masugata (literally “box shape”) were used in castle towns to impede the advance of potential attackers. In addition to defensive purposes, the Magari also served as a communal place for posting regional laws and orders.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川34−12付近Near 34-12 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
線香でぬくもりと刺激を与えるイトオテルミー温熱療法です。予約頂くと無料体験もできます。Experience a type of heat therapy that uses incense sticks to apply heat and stimulation. Free trial sessions are available upon reservation.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川34−1234-12 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02830770-62-0283 -
運動を苦手に感じておられる方や、ジムに通ったことがないという初心者の方から上級者の方まで幅広くご対応させていただきますのでお気軽にお越しください。When the body changes, the mind changes. When the mind changes, the life changes. “Kitahara Body Make Gym” is a Fitness Gym with personal support training! We cater to everyone from those who feel uncomfortable with exercise, beginners who have never been to the gym to advanced people, so please feel free to visit us!住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川37-9(KIKUYA 2F)37-9 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 090-3297-6654090-3297-6654 -
地元食材を多く使用したお弁当を提供いたしております。This store offers bento boxed meals made with fresh local ingredients.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川37−1137-11 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-10640770-62-1064 -
大きな古民家を2組がお泊まりいただけるようリノベーションした宿泊施設です。A large traditional Japanese house renovated as a lodging facility that can accommodate two groups of guests.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川34−28−134-28-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-17770770-62-1777 -
熊川宿内の古民家を活かした分散型宿泊施設です。古民家の宿で熊川の暮らしをお楽しみください。One of the several traditional buildings in Kumagawa-juku that have been renovated for use as lodging facilities. You are welcome to enjoy a nice stay in a cozy Japanese house!
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川37−1637-16 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-17770770-62-1777 -
日常から離れて何かを見つける場所。何かを感じる場所。あなたの想いを寄せる場所。A place to get away from everyday life and find something. A place where you can feel something. A place to send your thoughts.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川34−4034-40 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 090-9255-1195090-9255-1195 -
京都の老舗料亭「菊乃井」の主人村田吉弘氏の祖父の実家。京へとつながる鯖街道の伝統的な食文化に関する展示施設として町が改修し、京都「菊乃井」村田吉弘氏のルーツと若狭地方の食文化に関する展示を行っています。This building was once the home of Murata Torakichi, the founder of Kikunoi, a restaurant with three Michelin stars established in Kyoto in 1912. With the assistance of Torakichi’s grandson Murata Yoshihiro, the third-generation owner of Kikunoi, the former residence was transformed into a facility dedicated to the food culture of Wakasa that flourished along the Saba Kaido trade routes used to transport seafood to the old capital of Kyoto.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川37-1937-19 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-0330(宿場館)0770-62-0330 (Kumagawa-juku Museum (Shukubakan)) -
趣味の作品展示や体験教室に利用できる和室と、長年要望の多かった休憩室やトイレを備えています。下ノ町ゆかりの親孝行息子「与七」にあやかって、区民による公募で命名されました。A rest facility with space for exhibitions and hands-on classes in Japanese-style tatami rooms. Other amenities include a break room and restrooms. The name of this facility was chosen by the residents of Kumagawa-juku as a tribute to a man called Yoshichi, who is considered a paragon of filial piety in the area.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川36−136-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-0330(宿場館)、体験使用 0770-45-9111(若狭町観光商工課)0770-62-0330 (Kumagawa-juku Museum (Shukubakan)), 0770-45-9111 (Wakasa Tourism, Commerce, and Industry Department) -
下ノ町から山の中腹まで登った所にあり、伏見稲荷大社より勧請されたといわれ、創建は少なくとも江戸時代中期まで遡れます。商売繁盛の神様として信仰され、秋の大祭には「おひたき」の神事が行われてきました。On the mountain slope near the Shimoncho entrance to Kumagawa-juku you will find Nishiyama Inari Jinja Shrine. It was built sometime in mid-Edo Period (1603–1867) and is dedicated to Inari, a deity of agriculture and commerce. The spirit of Inari is said to have been brought directly from Fushimi Inari Taisha, the head Inari shrine located in Kyoto. Each autumn, Nishiyama Inari Shrine holds an ohitaki ritual where wooden sticks with people’s prayers written on them are burned in a sacred fire.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
下ノ町の入口の山手に小さな石碑があります。今から300年程前、貧しい暮らしの与七とその妻は、自分たちは貧しいものを食べても父母にはご馳走を食べさせて孝行を尽くしました。時の小浜藩主は与七の行いを聞き、米数俵を与えてその志を褒めたと言い伝えられています。This stone monument near the Shimoncho entrance to Kumagawa-juku is a tribute to a man named Yoshichi, who is considered the epitome of filial piety in the area. Yoshichi lived in Kumagawa-juku with his wife approximately 300 years ago. Though the two were very poor, they never failed to provide food for their elderly parents. When the lord of the Obama domain heard about the couple’s respect and devotion to their parents, he praised their commitment and gifted them with rice to support the entire family.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
◇駐車料金:無料The parking lot is located at the western entrance to Kumagawa-juku. Above the parking lot, the rectangular post with a hipped tile roof and kanji characters for “Kumagawa-juku” on each side is one of the symbols of the historic post town, marking the entrance.
Parking capacity: 16 cars, 2 buses
Parking fee: Free住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町新道54-6-154-6-1 Shindo, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
◇駐車料金:無料Located opposite Nishiguchi Parking Lot
Parking capacity: 36 cars, 3 buses, 2 accessible spaces
Parking fee: Free住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町新道54-154-1 Shindo, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture -
若狭の釣りは当店できまり!最適な餌と仕掛けをサポート!If you are fishing in Wakasa, look no further! This store offers the best bait, gear, and service.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川5−205-20 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02580770-62-0258 -
熊川地区(熊川・新道・せせらぎ・河内)の公民館です。主に熊川地区民を対象に、年間を通して多くのイベントや公民館活動が行われています。The Kumagawa Community Center serves the entire Kumagawa District, which includes Kumagawa, Shindo, Seseragi, and Kouchi. Many events and activities are held here throughout the year.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川43-3743-37 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-0135 0770-62-0135 -
河内川上流に県営河内川ダムが建設され令和元年6月に竣工しました。ダムサイトには監視所があり、屋上からは雄大なダム堤体やダム湖が見学できます。今後、ダム湖の湖周道路をはじめ展望台、渓流広場、お花見広場、ピクニック広場が整備される予定です。The Kouchi River Dam in the upper reaches of the Kouchi River was completed in June 2019. It is managed by the Fukui Prefecture. You can take in the expansive view of the Kouchi Reservoir and the body of the dam from the roof of the Kouchi River Dam Observation Post. Future development plans include a road around the reservoir, an observation deck, a mountain stream park, a flower-viewing area, and a picnic area.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川71−4−171-4-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-2081(監視所)、0770-56-0970(統合管理事務所)0770-62-2081 (Kouchi River Dam Observation Post), 0770-56-0970 (Kouchi and Otsuro River Dam Management Office) -
河内川ダムカレーが味わえる湖畔の宿。トリウム温泉、お食事、喫茶、ご宿泊。A lodging facility near the Kouchi Reservoir where you can try Kouchi River Dam curry. Thorium hot springs, dining, café, and accommodations.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町河内1-4-51-4-5 Kouchi, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-02560770-62-0256 -
素晴らしき山暮らしを叶えるための唯一無二のアウトドア施設A one-of-a-kind outdoor facility for great mountain living.
住所Address 福井県三方上中郡若狭町河内79-3-179-3-1 Kouchi, Wakasa town, Mikatakaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture 電話番号Phone 0770-62-17770770-62-1777