屋号を倉見屋(くらみや)といい、主屋、土蔵など問屋の形式を残している熊川で最も古い町家です。表には2か所、馬をつなぐための「駒つなぎ」が付いています。店構えの重厚さから当時の問屋の栄えた様子がうかがえます。平成26年、国指定重要文化財となりました。(内部は非公開)The Ogino family operated a business called Kuramiya at this location for generations. The main house is the oldest remaining traditional machiya townhouse in Kumagawa-juku. The property includes the main building that was used both as a residence and for commercial purposes, an adjacent baggage storehouse, and other structures. Architectural features such as the short wing walls under the eaves and the white plaster reflect the prosperity of the family’s business. The two koma-tsunagi metal rings attached to the front of the house were used to tie horses. The residence was nationally designated an Important Cultural Property in 2014. Please note that the interior is not open to the public.
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- 締め切り
- 体験時間
- 問い合わせ先Contact information
- 住所Address
福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川38-1738-17 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture