前川に面する大きな店構えから大きな経済力を持った問屋の風格を感じることができる大型の民家です。古民家の佇まいをそのままにリノベーションされ、複数の事業者などが共同で間借りするシェアオフィスとして生まれ変わりました。八百熊川の受付フロントでもあります。This traditional machiya townhouse facing the Maegawa channel used to be a prosperous shipping and wholesale business, which is reflected in its size and imposing appearance. The two-story structure was renovated while preserving the original aesthetics and became a shared office that is renting out space to several businesses. It also serves as the reception for the Yao-Kumagawa traditional lodging facilities.
- 料金(税込)
- 締め切り
- 体験時間
- 問い合わせ先Contact information
- 住所Address
福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−6-130-6-1 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture