熊川城跡エントランスEntrance to the Site of Kumagawa Castle
名所旧跡Scenic and Historic Locations
熊川陣屋跡地奥のビオトープにかかる木橋を渡ると門扉があり、熊川城跡への入口となっています。ここから張出郭展望デッキを経て、白石神社や中段郭、主郭へ行けます。Across a wooden bridge in the back of the former site of the Kumagawa-juku magistrate’s office, there is a gate that serves as the entrance to the site of Kumagawa Castle. The mountain trail passes Shiraishi Jinja Shrine and several viewing points before reaching the site where the main keep used to stand.
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- 締め切り
- 体験時間
- 問い合わせ先Contact information
- 住所Address
福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−630-6 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture