小浜藩主京極高次の時代、この地に熊川陣屋が設けられ、酒井忠勝の時代となって、熊川町奉行所となりました。その奉行所も明治維新で廃止され、その後、小学校と保育所になり、特別養護老人ホームの時代を経て現在に至ります。This site was once occupied by an administrative compound where civil affairs related to governing the Kumagawa area and the Obama domain were handled. The first administrative buildings were constructed during the rule of Kyogoku Takatsugu (1563–1609), the first lord of the Obama domain, and under Sakai Tadakatsu (1587–1662) it became the magistrate’s office. The buildings were demolished in 1871, when the domain system was abolished by the Meiji government. At present, the site contains a traditional processing plant making starch from kudzu (Japanese arrowroot) and a small water-filled habitat for the rare Genji fireflies.
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- 住所Address
福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川30−630-6 Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture