街道沿いを流れる用水路が、水量が豊富で流れの速い「前川」です。水の郷(さと)百選と平成の名水百選に選定されています。上ノ町を流れる前川は滋賀県の天増川(あますがわ)から、中ノ町・下ノ町を流れる前川は河内川から取水しています。熊川宿に欠かせない歴史的環境資源となっています。The Maegawa channel runs along the main street and through the entire town of Kumagawa-juku. The section flowing through the Kamincho area intakes water from the Amasu River in Shiga Prefecture, while the section that runs through the Nakancho and Shimoncho areas is fed by the Kouchi River. The picturesque channel served as an important water source in the past and remains an integral part of the traditional townscape of Kumagawa-juku.
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- 締め切り
- 体験時間
- 問い合わせ先Contact information
- 住所Address
福井県三方上中郡若狭町熊川Kumagawa, Wakasa-cho, Mikata Kaminaka-gun, Fukui Prefecture